Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day 2

 So class starts up again on monday and I am already reviewing info. I think i'm taking about 14 classes/labs this qtr plus seeing patients. So as you can imagine I will be very busy. On top of classes, there are several clubs I am a member of and the Delta Sigma Chi Fraternity of Straight ChiropracTIC. There is something that has irritated me from Day 1 of chiropractic schooling: the notion that the Doctor of  Chiropractic is not a "real" doctor, so lets look at the definition of doctor. So please inform me of why we are not real doctors. Do you need research, how about this, or that (just type in chiropractic). Anymore research just let me know and i'll get it for you because everyone talks about there not being any evidence but there is. People are just truly misinformed. Before bashing the profession, do some real research in peer reviewed articles and journals and not just dotcoms. All in all, the health care field, no matter which branch, exists to help the patient, not yourself!

more info

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Hello to the blog world!!!!!I'm a newby so take it easy on me. I'm just here to show my love to for Chiropractic and for the human body. The world is crazy when the media says that a 30 year old woman died of natural causes. It's ridiculous. But let me stop with whats grinding my gears. Anyway this post will include CHIROPRACTIC and its amazing results within the human body. So I hope you guys enjoy the journey with me!! Click the link to specific videos about Chiropractic!!

Quick explanation

Chiropractic Info

 Jerry Rice on Chiropractic

Maurice Jones-Drew and Chiropractic

we are #1

Babies and Chiropractic